Wardrobes For Your Home

A wardrobe is a useful storage space for clothes and accessories. They are often made with a large hanging area, four adjustable interior side shelves, and three lower drawers. Some are equipped with a make-up table. Closets can also serve as storage areas for shoes. However, they can be pricey, so they are best for large rooms.

There are several types of wood used to make wardrobes, including pine, oak, and mahogany. Typically, the parts of a wardrobe that aren't on display are made of cheaper wood, such as oak. By the late eighteenth century, mahogany and walnut were used instead. After that period, pine and rosewood were popular. Eventually, these materials became the most common wood for wardrobes.

For clothes that can hang on hangers, there should be a minimum height of 40 inches between shelves. Make sure to leave three inches between the top of the rail and the top of the wardrobe, so that you can remove your hangers when necessary. Open shelves must be at least 12 inches apart, while the width of drawers must be at least 28-30 inches.

You should first determine where you will put your wardrobe, as well as how much clearance space you have. Try to buy a wardrobe as large as possible, but be realistic about how much room you have for movement.

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