Ratujmy Ósemki

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English version

2013-12-09 13:44:52

We strongly protest against the ongoing persecution of the Eight Day Theatre. After the announcement of unfavourable changes in its charter and attempts to restrain the social dialogue engaged by the Theatre, we have recently witnessed a brutal attack on its very existence, through a series of budget amendments aimed at cutting the lion's share of the theatre's resources for the upcoming year. The above-mentioned amendments have been issued and backed by a number of city councillors from the party in power, PO (Civic Platform). We see these developments as an act of frustration from the current establishment with independence and indomitability in articulating views and opinions. The dissenting attitude towards the existing social order and the struggle to expose the bogus image of a city and a country of bliss evoke defense reflex responses among those in power. That is understandable. Nevertheless, contrary to the methods used by the former political system, the current, democratically elected authorities ought to operate within the frames of rational argumentation, not administrative arbitrariness. Apart from its indisputable artistic success (performances presented in many countries in Europe, the Americas and Asia for 50 years, as one of the most important voices of independent culture in Poland; a series of outdoor theatrical projects; the running of a center for alternative culture with broad educational activities; a number of high profile awards, including the Fringe First at the prestigious Edinburgh Festival in 1985), the Eight Day Theatre has become a symbol and a refuge for people who, above all, value freedom; freedom from conformism, hypocrisy and indifference to other people's suffering. We are ashamed that a theatre with such accomplishments and illustrious history, which has always derived its strength from its independence, is now to be compromised exactly because of its nonconformist attitude in pursuing the mission as an institution of culture. We plea to all citizens, inhabitants of Poznan, for whom freedom of beliefs and the artistic independence of a cultural institution is more important than philistinism and narrow-mindedness, to support our endeavors to save the Eight Day Theatre! Do not remain passive. In two weeks, after the budgetary session of the city council, it will be too late to turn the tide. Sign up the petition to the President and the City Council - we protest against cutting the budgetary grants and closing down of the Eight Day Theatre!


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