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#205 bikers

2015-04-12 21:22

Im from slovakia, sometimes i wonder why is poland so full of hatred.

Ok i know you dont like russia because of history (you hurted russians and they hurted you)

but petition and demonstrations against bikers???

Before ukraine crisis you created with USA i liked poland(zakopane etc), but now i know how bad you are and changed my opinion.

Go boost your EGO by protesting against f****g bikers!!!



Jakub Reksa

#213 Re: bikers

2015-04-13 08:15:28

#205: slovak - bikers 


My answer to your question. Well, we are against those people from going to in to the Poland and EU, because they are not ordinary motorcyclists, or regular tourists. These people are the Putin regime propaganda tool. These people are a tool who were and are part of the operation of a bandit attack on Ukrainian Crimea and its illegal occupation. It some caces some of them, are people that fight on the Russian side with the terrorists in Donbas, they are criminals then. These people are a tool of Putin, for exerting pressure on the Slavic nations of Europe to uncritically accepted the idea of "Russian Mir" where Russia will be the sole center of decision, as it was in the Soviet Union. These people have no good intentions, they want to deceive us by a lie. Therefore, we have the right and we should tell them and so Putin, firm NO. Therefore, we have the right and we should tell them, and through it to Putin, firm NO. It is also the right of democracy. Let they will consider why so many people are oppose them. The compromise is in the fact that both sides respect each other, and require an amendment.