Quoted post


#1932 NIE ODDAWAJMY SWEGO ŻYCIA W RĘCE TRUCICIELI ! Miłość Ojczyzny naszym prawem.

2012-11-21 23:02


Bardzo dziękujemy Pani Elżbiecie Drozdowskiej za trud włożony w przetłumaczenie na język angielski naszego opracowania "O zakaz poszukiwania i wydobywania węglowodorów, stosowania hydraulicznego szczelinowania oraz zakaz technologii CCS na terenie Unii Europejskiej".

About the ban on
exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons,
and the use of hydraulic fracturing
and CCS in the European Union

Bejda Maria Teresa Wojda
Civic Basin Initiative on the Bzura and Słudwia Basins

Łowicz, 18.10.2012r.

To Mr. Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament
Ladies and Gentlemen, and Members of the European Parliament

Dear Mr. President and Members of Parliament,  

Thank You for your acknowledgement of our open letter nr. 0578/2012 to the President of Poland, Bronislaw Komorowski, on 18.04.2012 as a petition. The text of the petition is attached to this email as follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are grateful that you allowed us to participate in workshops on shale gas, 9.10.2012, where T. Wojda, on behalf of our citizens' initiative, called for help on the prohibition of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons by the European Union. All the greater is our gratitude to the European Parliament for allowing us to express our concerns and to demonstrate the violation of our rights, especially since President Komorowski did not respond to our speech and did not take any action in defense of the Polish nation.

We would like to take immediate, drastic action to prevent environmental and humanitarian disaster in Poland and Europe.

We renew our call to the European Union to help Poles jeopardized by this wreckless drilling and encourage the introduction of  the following prohibitions:
Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons,
Use of hydraulic fracturing, and
Use of CCS technologies

None of the laws or expert opinions are providing us with peace of mind or safety.  

We cannot leave this legacy to future generations, exposing them to health risks caused by the corruption and low morale created by politicians, officials and enforcement officers. 

Further delay in enforcing the ban will result in the following:

(1) Approval for injection, into geological layers, vast amounts of toxins in the use of explosives,
(2) Further irreversible contamination of drinking water sources, robbing us Poles of national water resources for which there is no alternative,
(3) Further soil and air pollution,

(4) Destruction of agriculture, thus contaminating the most important food supplies, which compromises our food safety,

(5) EU citizens will suffer and die from cancer due to the continuous evaporation of methane and other harmful substances, and

(6) Earthquakes will take place in locations where there was none before.  

If we take immediate action to enact the ban, instead of a moratorium on shale gas only, it will be possible to interrupt these frantic, destructive actions and shield not only the area between Łowicz and Kutno, but all of Poland and the entire European continent from impending ecological and  humanitarian disaster.

The situation is extraordinary and requires exceptional decisions in order to protect Europe and our planet from impending doom.

It is time to stop the ongoing destruction of the environment for decades by exploiting hydrocarbons, whose only method of hydraulic fracturing extraction is already used in more than 1.2 million drilling sites in the world, which is confirmed in the Report of B.Sonika, p.9.


The report of B. Sonika also indicates that "this technology is used in the conventional production of hydrocarbons in the EU". From the above it is clear that hydraulic fracturing is used not only for the extraction of shale gas, but all hydrocarbons. It seems that this issue is being totally covered-up by politicians and their “experts”.

It is impossible to stop the emission of methane, carbon monoxide and other gases into the atmosphere as a result of extraction of hydrocarbons, which is well-documented by Professor Anthony Ingraffea from the U.S. in the following video:

According to Professor Jackson, "Researchers at Duke University took samples from 68 water supply systems in the states of Pennsylvania and New York. We found an extremely high methane concentration of 64 milligrams per liter of drinking water. The normal concentration in the water is one milligram or less.
The amount of gas in the water reaches a level that could cause explosions."

For propaganda purposes, the companies are using new names for the same technology, which are very invasive, destructive and dangerous methods of hydraulic fracturing.

In the report of Euro Parliament Deputy Boguslaw Sonik, 2011/2308 (INI), on p.9, he justifies traditional vertical drilling, and the use of modern, computer-assisted research methods.  The memorandum states that "two advanced technologies are the key to sustainable production of shale gas and shale oil: horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing."  In the next sentence, however, there is a denial of an earlier statement: "horizontal drilling includes the drilling of vertical holes with horizontal extensions".

So, this is the same method of hydraulic fracturing.

Overlooked is the fact that experts use explosives, which, despite being banned under the terms of lcenses during exploration and prospecting, are nevertheless included in the curricula of engineering geology, which shows their widespread use.

The biggest manipulation is the lying to all nations by these experts, who ascertained that there are methods of disposing of drilling waste, but they have not yet been found !!

"Every year, millions of tons of radioactive waste from the extraction of contaminated hydrocarbons are stored carelessly and improperly. There is no country at the present time that is doing independent, continuous and comprehensive monitoring of contaminated residues from the production of oil and natural gas. For example, in the UK, waste is dumped into the North Sea. # Radioaktiver_Abfall

Waste generated in the drill site Kutno 2 has not been found to be radioactive, according to the National Atomic Energy Agency, and an email to us indicates only two radioactive elements, potassium and radon, which do not exceed standards set by Polish law. In addition, they are using the kilogram scale, not the milligram scale, which is standard under international law.

"In accordance with the levels stipulated in regulations, only when the concentration of radioactive elements is more than 1000 times greater than the permitted standard can a classification be made for radioactive waste."

Environmental Protection Services are not able to control or monitor the non-stop drilling processes or the use of toxic and explosive materials. According to our own research, at the Kutno2 drilling site in Gołębiewie Nowym, which is only 3 km from the town’s population of 50,000, there was a prior notice to evacuate.

Despite the ban on exploration and production in territories which were classified by EU Program “Nature 2000”, the FX Energy Corporation conducted
widespread research, even on locations which were marked as extremely seismic

Environmental Protection Services detected drilling abnormalities by the company and fined it 50 Euros. The water which is used free of charge is taken from a well located near the drilling site and is only 50 meters deep, while the main source of water for all citizens is 80 meters deep. The drilling site is adjacent to residential buildings.  The noise is unbearable, penetrating the whole village. There are no noise barriers and only mounds of soil dumped from the site. Only those residents closest to the site received compensation in the amount of 1,000 Euros.    Near the drilling site, the company constructed a makeshift shed for chemical storage only 50 meters from the well. Under the shed is a chemical pool filled with tanks, barrels and bags of different chemicals, which causes a terrible odor that spreads throughout the whole village.

Our request for re-inspection at the operating site, without prior notice and with the participation of civil representatives has been ignored, because there are no provisions for  social control.

Waste from drilling at Kutno2, according to the protocol checks (made on 1/12/2011 for our application) was subject to environmental inspections, as cited in DEL.SK 186/2011 of 15.02.2012r.  The company which receives and transports the waste material, Max Eco.LLC Wiry, located at Czereśniowa 3, 62052 Komorniki, does so without records  indicating the place of storage. The company dumps this chemical waste in a gravel pit in Głobinie, near Slupsk., waste-by-Polish

Already in our area, between Łowicz and Kutno was the first earthquake in the community of Żychlin, noticed by locals but not officially acknowledged by the media.

Occurrence of geological upheaval in our area raises legitimate social concern and suspicion of association with ongoing geological drilling at Kutno2, belonging to the owner of the LLC concession, FX Energy.

Similar events took place in the concession of FX Energy at
Wielkopolsce., 1022943, wid, 14147158, wiadomosc.html? ticaid = 1f0ef

The most reliable source of information about the impact of extraction of hydrocarbons on the environment, humans and animals are residents of areas affected by these dangerous activities as well as people who were working on the preparation of these chemicals for fracking, not the experts provided by these companies, nor the politicians, officials, or representatives of various levels of media. .

The damning evidence in this case is the victims who had immediate contact with the chemicals in this polluted area.

Here are the reported effects of hydraulic fracturing on residents in the community of Miedzna, as stated on a petition:

"I already experienced gas extraction experiments. I live in a small house in the woods between the Bug community of Miedzna, in the state of Węgrowski.  In the spring, after connecting my hose to the outdoor faucet, where my water supply is 20 meters deep in the water well, there was a detonation in the well which tore the rubber hose. For a half hour afterwards, the kitchen tap water was brown, and when it had a very clean look, it smelled of methane.

That's a lie that the method of fracturing does not threaten the environment! You can feel the Methane gas in different places in the forest.

A few years ago, a beaver family settled in a nearby stream, but last year they all disappeared, along with fish and crabfish.

The well is located approximately four miles from my cottage, but it is not operating. The problem is that, once the layers of the ground are polluted, they are releasing methane gas  into the atmosphere, while polluting the rivers and drinking water.

Some of these chemicals that backed up during fracturing were collected and dumped along forest roads or farmers’ fields, where they soaked into the ground."

Here is an example from the United States:

Carol French, owner of a dairy farm in Bradford County (Pennsylvania), says:

"We do not drink our water or milk from our cows. The State DEP (Departement of Environmental Protection) refuses to investigate our water. Therefore, "our" Natural Gas company refuses to supply clean water for us and for our cows."

Blog. Les Ami (e) s du Richelieu - gas de schiste - l'histoire de Carol French

In the last few years,  in Poland, there were more than 7,500 drills with a depth greater than 1,000 meters. The primary research goal of these holes was to prospect for oil and natural gas.

Over many years, hydraulic fracturing has been used in Poland, which was stressed at a conference in April the European Institute in Warsaw by B. Sonik and T.Wojda, stating that geologists prepare the mixture for hydraulic fracturing at least twice a day.

The Polish government brought in global mining companies, some of which have pending court orders against them for violations of human rights and causing environmental disasters, such as Chevron in South America. FX Energy and the U.S..

These companies have set up a enterprises in Poland, with limited responsibility, which correspond to the extent of capital.

Five thousand zlotych (= 1250 €) was the extent of FX Energy’s investment  as a limited liability company owner of the concession for the area between Kutno, Łowicz, Leczyca  and Gostynin.

According to the new geological and mining law in Poland, which took effect on
1 January 2012, the mining company:

1. Does not pay for water consumed,
2. Has no obligation for remediation or repair of roads,.
3. Is not criminally responsible for causing an environmental or humanitarian disaster,  
4. Is not subject to liability claims for damages.

Redress through the courts will be fiction. Who will win? Naturally, the rich corporation with so much ignorance of justice as in the case of drinking water contamination in Łowicz?

Our call for clean, healthy drinking water to the public authorities in Poland as well as the justice system received no response. If we are deprived of our due right of access to clean water, what will be later, when the rise of the next drilling and hydraulic fracturing base in Łowicz happens?

Our requests to initiate proceedings for breach of the constitution, as well as international conventions and especially criminal law, have all been rejected, as the complaint was turned down by the Governor and Speaker of Lodz Region. We have the correspondence to prove it.

The MEPs from Poland are servants for big mining concerns, not for the Polish nation. We have an absolute right and moral obligation to demand their removal from representing Poland in the European Parliament. Such people should be prohibited from voting on shale gas, as well as other issues. They are hurting not only Poland, but also Europe and should be held accountable for their unethical, immoral attitude and actions against the Polish Nation and Europe.

Dear fellow MEPs, please have the courage to oppose unethical behavior and harmful actions of Polish MEPs in order to eliminate the impact on EU energy policy !!!!!!!!!!!!

During the shale gas workshop of 9.10.2012r., none of the Polish MEPs supported our petition - an open letter to the President which was sent to defend the millions of Poles in Poland. This letter was sent as a Citizens' Initiative on behalf of the Basin and Słudwia Bzura, Civil Resistance and also, from around the world, petitioners against the new Geological and Mining Law:

The shale gas workshop of 10.9.2012 featured an “expert” who rejected our petition. He was hired and paid by the Polish MEPs.  This is a shameful act of betrayal of the Polish nation whose security we defend.

We had the opportunity to see that the Polish MEPs and their experts are ignorant of the risks to human health and life in their pursuit for and extraction of hydrocarbons. Contrary to the facts and opinions of experts from other countries, they are pushing  dangerous and hostile propaganda of the Polish government that everything is safe and environmentally clean and we only benefit from the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons.

There is already enough evidence in the world of the disastrous and irreversible effects of extraction of hydrocarbons, as well as the use of CCS to assist in their production. The use of CCS technology, especially the injection under high pressure of liquefied CO2 into the ground, along with the flue gas containing toxic substances in order to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, is an assassination on life on Earth, and along with hydraulic fracturing is the biggest threat to the existence of mankind.

Prohibition of extracting hydrocarbons will significantly reduce CO2 emissions. CO2 emissions in the pursuit and extraction of hydrocarbons is greater than with the use of coal in power generation, which was proved by one of the experts at the shale gas workshop on 09.10.2012r. Thus, it is more reasonable to take the revolutionary changes in the EU's energy policy and refrain from CO2 emissions trading, which is perceived very negatively by the public. It significantly raises electricity costs on each EU citizen and we are not able to stop climate change. Instead of insanely deploying CCS , reduced  CO2 emissions can be achieved through non-recognition, exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons, energy-efficient technologies or halting deforestation.

The issue of CO2 emissions was brought to an extreme, forgetting that carbon dioxide is a natural constituent of the atmosphere necessary for photosynthesis. Halting deforestation and new plantings of trees are a more reasonable course of action to restore the balance of nature, rather than absurd CO2 emissions trading.

The introduction of a moratorium on shale gas, instead of prohibiting exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons, will not prevent the degradation of the environment and the destruction of life and will only lead to more manipulation of mineral qualification in Poland.

An example would be clerical retraining deposits in Siekierki, near Poznan.

Christopher Puzyna Siekierki in his report (. Pdf, 4MB) writes a concession to explore for gas:

Closed "tight gas" in the unconventional "Project Siekierki" is performed by the pilot gas field development of "tight gas" and its effects will bring pioneering information to develop a new source of natural gas in Poland. (p. 75)," but according to the Ministry of Environment Maps reclassified during the year from around Project Siekierki, gas classified from tight gas to gas from conventional sources - that is, a crime of the first level – which was already predicted in my article of 2/15/2011, the brief comments on the draft “Project Siekierki."

The inspection of T. Wojda in Siekierki near Poznan as well as the documentation gathered by us includes a list of toxic substances used for the drill at Kutno2. We were informed that the drills used hydraulic fracturing. In confirmation of this visit was a video recording of the drill in Siekierki with Euro Deputy MEP Jose Bove. The owner of the drill, as well as a company representative, said Aurelian used the terminology of “fracking” in the video.


Two years ago, the media and politicians reported the largest shale gas deposits near Kutno. However, the license for FX Energy, published in 2008, was for oil and natural gas. According to Professor Górecki, his geological map confirmed that these are tight gas deposits, which are unconventional, and which is also confirmed on the website of FX Energy.


It is worth noting that the money of Polish taxpayers goes to the Polish drill companies, but the profits from the exploitation of gas goes to U.S. companies in the U.S.. FX Energy Group has long been mining gas wells in such small Polish cities as Pławce, Roszków, Zaniemyśl, Kromolice, Winna Góra, and Środa Wielkopolska. In the near future, gas will be extracted by drilling at Kutno2 in Gołębiewie Nowym near Kutno. .

Due to fear of a moratorium on shale gas, a new propaganda campaign has already been launched in Poland, about the supposedly small, poorly estimated resources due to a “computer error”

At the same time, politicians are debating a new law on shale gas, even talk of a hydrocarbon Generations Fund. is-project-Law-ws-slate-at-gain-poles

EU funds are wasted on the alleged public consultation organized by endorsing the government's policy agenda and before the Polish nation pretending to opponents such as the Civic Institute, Eco-Union, the Party "The Greens 2004", Institute for Sustainable Development. It's a shame that organizations such as ours, a grassroots initiative has no chance to raise funds for the activities of the EU funds, as administered by the government in Warsaw, which does not allow the actual and simulated opposition, only pseudo-experts., party-foundation-b-lla-the-alibi-for-state-Tusk

Currently inaccessible archival data from the Minister of Environment shows that by February 1, 2009 227 licenses were issued for the extraction of natural gas and crude oil.


while by 01.06.2012r., there is only 110 licenses registered for public viewing.

Polish society is deceived with regard to the necessity of extracting hydrocarbons in obtaining Polish energy independence. However, there is reticence of the fact that the Polish government has a special agreement between Moscow and Tusk on Russian gas, which is oddly unfavorable to Polish citizens. #. UdqoMdYaNOl, current-propaganda-by-a-contract-with-Gazprom

Contrary to media propaganda, the conclusions of the economic analysis
clearly show that, in addition to environmental and human life risk, extraction of shale gas in Poland is very detrimental to society and harmful, even economically dangerous.

According to the expertise of the Centre for Sustainable Development in Lodz, they are quoted as follows:  “Please request the immediate cessation of all decisions, political and administrative expenses (concession) in this case, and repeal regulations already taken."

For the extraction of shale gas, Polish society needs to pay annually a minimum of  21.07 billion zł.  If the proceeds from the sale of gas in total belonged to the Polish people, or pay Zł 21.07 billion a year, they should receive that gas for free.

Per 1 Pole, losses as a result of shale gas extraction:

42.85 billion zł / year: 38.5 million Poles = 1112 zł / year per Pole

You do not need any more scientific research or monitoring EU money for expertise, consultation (propaganda) and demonstration programs, development of anti-environmental directives such as CCS Directive or Directive hydrocarbons.

It is necessary to verify the provisions of EU directives in order to eliminate anti-human directives such as the CCS Directive.

On the one hand, the European Parliament passed a directive to protect the environment, birds and water as part of Nature 2000 teritories, while on the other hand, contrary to logic, it seems that CCS directives finance deadly technology, which will destroy the protected areas as well as lead to the extinction of life on Earth.

Why, during the current economic and financial crisis, were we exposed to very costly and dangerous CCS technology? German geological expert reports clearly shows the great danger of this technology.

In the opinion of the Polish scientists from the Centre for Sustainable Development in Lodz, CCS, instead of reducing CO2 emissions into the air, by injecting into the ground, they are increasing amounts of CO2 emissions. CCS project reduces the efficiency of coal power plants from 38% to 28% (information from the manager of the project team.) In order to produce the same amount of electricity, the plant will increase production of brown coal (non-renewable energy sources, thereby increasing the production of CO2 by 10/38x100% = 26.3%. 

European citizens have taken joint action to alert and to create a front to fight against the introduction of CCS, starting from the correct assumption that threats know no borders. Civic initiatives in Germany have partnered with our initiative as well as the inhabitants of the border areas in Poland, who are unaware of the risks associated with the planned construction of the pipeline from Germany to Kutna, which the Polish government has hidden from the public.


Continued application of hydraulic fracturing and injection of liquefied CO2 underground, according to CCS to assist in the extraction of hydrocarbons, will lead to disastrous, unimaginable changes in geological structures. This will cause earthquakes and even lead to decay and movements of continents and oceans. 

Implemented in Poland, Prime Minister Donald Tusk gave his promise to President Obama, that he would not allow public protests to the extraction of shale gas, commonly called bribery in Poland, which is included in the Linch film "Shale Gas. How It Is Done in Poland”, where Americans find that dollars invested in bribes given to government officials are repeatedly multiplied.”

Any consolidated resistance against the drilling by lawful residents, who seek to defend the place where they live is broken down by agents of the government and mining companies workers:

"The companies investing in shale gas in Poland are spying on local communities who fear the impact of raw material extraction on the environment. DGP is a report of one of these companies. They went to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, which in addition to this position sent them to the head of the Chancellery, Thomas Arabsky, and deputy head of the Internal Security Agency and the Police Internal Affairs supervisor.

A portion of a government paper signed by Secretary of State Beata Stelmach stated. "Ministry of Foreign Affairs received from one of the energy companies, engaged in exploration of natural gas from shale rock, a copy of the minutes from the discussion on the opposition to exploration of gas from shale rock. The contents of the enclosed information indicates a significant radicalization of positions of NGOs in relation to shale gas" - wrote Stelmach..

Open Letter from 10.10.2012r. to the President, the Speaker of the Sejm, the Marshal of the Senate, Polish Prime Minister, Parliamentarians signed by representatives of patriotic organizations and individuals include a description of the real situation and not created by the media and government leaders in Poland and the Polish MEP, a letter attached to the email.

In this letter, we read:

“Civic Resistance Movement is in possession of evidence of falsification of data processing parliamentary elections in Poland in 2011. Forgery detected, well-proven and documented on K. Puzyna.

Supreme Court in Warsaw wrongly rejected his protest as well as complaints filed for  security by T. Wojda &  M.Bejda, which included a request for a manual recount of the votes. An appeal to the Court of Human Rights in Strassbourg was also rejected.

In Poland, the illegal authorities at all levels for many years have laid down the law to the detriment and against the interests of Poland and Polish people. One example is the law of Geology and Mining, dictated entirely by foreign mining companies.

So, the time has come to say enough is enough to this destruction of our planet and to ban the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, and ban the use of hydraulic fracturing and CCS in the European Union.

The European Parliament has a chance to become a pioneer in the concern for the welfare of humanity.


Bejda Maria Teresa Wojda
Civic Basin Initiative Bzura and Słudwia



#1938 Największa wiertnia płynie do Polski,do Łowicza...

2012-11-24 16:32:42


W Łowiczu w bazie hydraulicznego szczelinowania niebawem będzie, sprzęt geologiczny, wibratory, sprzęt do szczelinowania hydraulicznego... i cytat z wypowiedzi "Jesli chodzi zaś o wiertnie jest to planowane w I kwartele przyszłego roku tak jak ta wiertnia dopłynie do Polski".... " będzie normalna eksplautacja"....


Z Bratkowic po łupki
Tomasz Bartos
2012.11.23, ostatnia aktualizacja 2012.11.23

Prace na budowie bazy logistyczno-magazynowej firmy United Oilfield Services, na terenie podstrefy Łowicz Łódzkiej Specjalnej Strefy Ekonomicznej, są już bardzo zaawansowane.
Dwa olbrzymie budynki już stoją, trzeci zaczyna się wyłaniać z ziemi. Pod koniec roku do bazy przyjedzie pierwszy sprzęt do poszukiwania i wydobywania gazu ziemnego z łupków.
Jak powiedział nam Sebastian Sedorowicz, inżynier budowy z ramienia głównego wykonawcy Kajima Polska, inwestycja przebiega bez przeszkód.
Teren bazy przedziela ulica Ekonomiczna, po jej zachodniej stronie stoją już budynki: biurowiec i hala warsztatowa maszyn. Są one w trakcie prac wykończeniowych. Układane i podłączane są tam wszelkiego rodzaju instalacje, powstają ściany działowe, przepierzenia.
Wokół tych budynków układana jest nawierzchnia parkingów, placów manewrowych i dróg dojazdowych. Stanie na nich ciężki sprzęt. Część prac na budowie wykonuje kilka łowickich firm.

Więcej o pracach na Bratkowicach przeczytasz  w najnowszym numerze Nowego Łowiczanina, lub obok, w pełnej, elektronicznej wersji tekstu, w wydaniach on-line.

wiadomości z wnp z 18.04.2012 r.
Ponad 118 mld dolarów zamierza zainwestować United Oilfield Services (UOS), spółka usługową dla sektora naftowo-gazowego, która zajmuje się dostarczaniem sprzętu do prac poszukiwawczych gazu łupkowego. Specjalistyczny park maszynowy powstaje w Łowiczu. Będzie to platforma wiertnicza o wysokości 65 metrów, mocy 2 tys. KM z możliwością robienia odwiertów do 6 tys. metrów głębokości oraz urządzenia do szczelinowania hydraulicznego.
- Kluczem do sukcesu przy wydobywaniu gazu łupkowego jest szczelinowanie hydrauliczne i sprzęt, który będzie sprowadzony do Polski w IV kwartale tego roku.,167940_1_0_0.html

Uwaga. Te "118 mld dolarów " to dziwna liczba. Chyba pomyłka.

Powstaje baza maszynowa do wydobywania gazu łupkowego

Autor: (Katarzyna Walterska)  |  18-04-2012 18:47
Ponad 118 mln dolarów zamierza zainwestować United Oilfield Services (UOS), spółka usługową dla sektora naftowo-gazowego, która zajmuje się dostarczaniem sprzętu do prac poszukiwawczych gazu łupkowego. Specjalistyczny park maszynowy powstaje w Łowiczu. Będzie to platforma wiertnicza o wysokości 65 metrów, mocy 2 tys. KM z możliwością robienia odwiertów do 6 tys. metrów głębokości oraz urządzenia do szczelinowania hydraulicznego.

- Kluczem do sukcesu przy wydobywaniu gazu łupkowego jest szczelinowanie hydrauliczne i sprzęt, który będzie sprowadzony do Polski w IV kwartale tego roku. Planujemy, że sprzęt ten będzie dysponował ogólnym potencjałem 60 tys. hydraulicznych KM. Cały potencjał maszynowy, który zostanie zgromadzony w Łowiczu będzie większy niż wszystkich firm w Europie. Poza tym flota została zaprojektowana z myślą o niekonwencjonalnych złożach gazu ziemnego i ropy naftowej w Polsce z zachowaniem przepisów obowiązujących w UE i zgodnych z polskim prawem geologicznym i górniczym - powiedział na spotkaniu z dziennikarzami Cezary Filipowicz, dyrektor ds. rozwoju United Oilfield Services, który w minionych latach był min. członkiem zarządu PKN Orlen SA.

United Oilfield Services Sp. z o. o. to polska firma serwisowa, powstała w 2011 r. Swoje usługi oferuje w ramach trzech linii biznesowych: szczelinowanie hydrauliczne, wiertnictwo oraz badania geofizyczne (sejsmika). UOS dysponuje unikalnym w skali światowej i najnowocześniejszym w Europie sprzętem i technologią do eksploatacji złóż węglowodorów. Założyciele i kierownictwo firmy mają wieloletnie doświadczenie branżowe uzyskane w Stanach Zjednoczonych oraz wymierne osiągnięcia w rozwijaniu działalności firm obsługujących sektor gazowo-naftowy na całym świecie. W projekt zaangażował się Enterprise Investors, firma zarządzającą funduszami private equity i venture capital w Polsce i Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej.

Na temat nowej inwestycji Enterprise Investors więcej w tekście: Enterprise Investors inwestuje w gaz łupkowy

Jak podkreślił dyrektor Cezary Filipowicz proces projektowania i przygotowywania sprzętu trwał kilkanaście miesięcy.

Platforma wiertnicza będzie sprowadzona do Polski w I kwartale 2013 roku i jest skonstruowana w taki sposób, aby minimalizować hałas a tym samy uciążliwość dla okolicznych mieszkańców.

Dyrektor Filipowicz podkreślił, że wydobycie gazu łupkowego wymaga specjalistycznego sprzętu i wykwalifikowanej kadry inżynierskiej. - W Europie takiego sprzętu jest niewiele a ludzi znających technologie i posiadających odpowiednie kwalifikacje jest jeszcze mniej - dodał.