Protest przeciwko budowie elektrowni jądrowej w Gąskach k. Mielna


/ #52

2011-12-27 19:00

Protest against construction of nuclear power in Gaski near Mielno


Municipal Office in Mielno
st. Chrobrego 10
76-032 Mielno

PGE Polish Energy Group SA
st. Mysia 2
00-496 Warsaw

Ladies and Gentlemen,

concerned about the latest information of 25 November 2011., that the village near Mielno Gaski has been selected as one of three potential sites and the final construction of the first 2 nuclear power plants we want to express my strong opposition!

Location Gaski around Mielno never appeared on previous lists of potential sites for power plants, published by the Ministry of Economy. He never was consulted socially. It was only chosen by PGE, which shows a lack of transparency and openness of social, calling into question the intention of the government.

We believe that Gaski Mielno near this place for the development of tourism and recreation, a place for a quiet family holiday close to nature without a nuclear power plant next door, so we are strongly opposed to its construction in this city and other places in the area Mielno.
